
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much! 

We are all blessed with special people in our lives. Sierra was one of those who have given us a deeper understanding of how our loved ones impact us as we walk together through our journey.

We have established this scholarship in honor of her memory. We wish to continue her effort to make a positive influence on the lives of others.  

Our appreciation goes out to Electric Eye Marketing for setting up our new website with @Shopify and streamlinig the golf registration process. We also thank The Ridge Golf & Gardens for hosting us for our 2024 outing and to Buck City Sammie's for the catered luncheon to follow!  A special thanks to those involved in soliciting, contributing donations for the silent auction, and to the wonderful volunteers who assist in all aspects of this charity event.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote safe teen driving including annual donations of financial assistance to provide drivers education class scholarships for high school students through Tolles Career and Techincial Center, while promoting safe teen driving in the community.

Our child, sister, grandaughter, cousin, niece and friend Sierra Lin Fauver whose short life-08/05/1989 to 03/04/2007, was only 17 when she died in an automobile accident, and we hope to remind drivers that it only takes one moment to change the lives of so many.

Non-Profit Status

We are pleased to announce the Sierra Lin Fauver Scholarship Fund is now registered with the Ohio Secretary Of State’s office and has received non-profit status with the IRS. Tax Id. No: 02-0805570

We would like to thank Jonathan Alder high school counselors for their assistance in the past and the Superintendent and staff at Tolles Career and Technical Center for assisting with the scholarship process for the youth in our community.

We also extend our gratitude to the community members who have agreed to be part of our scholarship board. In our busy lives, these folks have agreed to meet and give careful consideration as to the best direction to asssit these students to improve teen driving. The Sierra Lin Fauver Scholarship Board members are: Lynne Becker, Lenny Fauver, Theresa Fauver, Chelsea Fauver, Wesley Fauver, Tonja Stewart and Elaine DiSalvo.

Begininning in 2022 the recipients of the drivers' education scholarship will be recognized by the counselors at Tolles. 

Thank you to the Tolles Technical and Carrer Center Staff as well as Jonathan Alder school counselors for your care and dedication in assisting the students in their life's journey. The Scholarship Board is very impressed by the achievements and future goals of the students and we wish them all good fortune.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

We also encourage the scholarship applicants to become involved in the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).

The SLF Scholarship has awarded over $40,000 in educational funds in the past seventeen years!

We are continuing our mission to support safe driving through sponsorships of drivers' education classes for high school youth at Tolles and if needed for the simulators provides by Maria's Message and other sponsors.

Tolles driving simulators are a required class to graduate!