Sweet Memories
Strengthening our communities and saving lives!
For over seventeen years we have raised and provided financial awards for teen driving and education. Most recently we are very excited to have partnered with Tolles Vocational & Technical Center , which serves 12 high school districts in Central Ohio. The funds we allocate provides driver's education classes to economically disadvantaged students. Our mission and funding aligns with Maria's Message which works at Tolles Vocational Center providing driving simulators! We are really excited to have partnered with our central Ohio Tolles Vocational and Technical Center to partner providing awards for teen driving to provide classes for students that are financially unable to provide divers education for the student.

The SLF Scholarship has awarded over $40,000 in educational funds in the past seventeen years!
We are continuing our mission to support safe driving through sponsorships of drivers' education classes for high school youth at Tolles and if needed for the simulators provides by Maria's Message and other sponsors.
Tolles driving simulators are a required class to graduate!